Has anyone had trouble running the built in shell-script "unlimit" in the
tcsh (v6.08.00)? I am able to run the unlimit command in the csh on the
same machine without any problems.
output from tcsh:
donigt01_at_mcrcr0: ~> unlimit
unlimit: cputime: Can't set limit
unlimit: filesize: Can't set limit
unlimit: datasize: Can't set limit
unlimit: stacksize: Can't set limit
unlimit: coredumpsize: Can't set limit
unlimit: memoryuse: Can't set limit
unlimit: descriptors: Can't set limit
Research Computing Resource
NYU Medical School
Systems Manager
MSB 174/183
email:donigt01_at_med.nyu.edu phone:212-263-7135 fax:212-263-8542
Received on Wed Mar 21 2001 - 18:27:06 NZST