Hi All,
So now I've got the DECserver 700 booted and working I'm looking for a
little assistance in configuring the services for remote console access.
What I want to do is hook 4 servers' consoles up to the DS700 such that
I can telnet onto it and access the server consoles remotely. Looking thru
the archives there's a partial summary on how to do someting similar but it
applies to a DECserver900.
I think the routine is going to go something like
change port 2 access remote service ena
It's just details of how to add the service and access it after telnetting
onto the server. If anyone has the user's guide for one of these beasts
or knows where it is on-line I'd appreciate it.
Received on Thu Mar 22 2001 - 11:54:54 NZST