setld problems while doing a clu_add_member!

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:10:05 -0600

     Hello all,
     We were running Tru-64 5.1/TruCluster 5.1 on a two member cluster.
     This morning I did a clu_add_member and added another system to this
     cluster. However, some subsets did not get configured correctly for
     the new system and I got the following error messages when I tried to
     boot this system with a "boot -fi genvmunix <bootdevice>":
     Configuring "Old Additional DECwindows Applications" (OSFOLDDECW510)
     on member3
     OSFPAT00000000510 is currently in the not installed state on member3.
     In order to complete srbset cosfiguration it must be ii one ofOthe
     following states:
     Refer to the setld chapter of
     he Installation1Guide for details
     on how to rlsolve this problem.
     c_install: configuration of OSFPAT00000000510 failed!
             See the /var/adm/smlogs/it.log for error messages.
             After the system reboots and the problem has been corrected,
             configure OSFPAT00000000510 manually by executing:
                        'setld -c OSFPAT00000000510 INSTALL'
     All in all about 15 or so subsets did not configure correctly because
     their status is not flagged as INSTALL. I tried doing what the
     messages were telling me but no go. Also, the original cluster
     member(member1) where I ran clu_add_member from is also having the
     same issues now.
     Following is a listing of a (setld -i |grep -i "not installed")
     prd0ap21# setld -i | grep -i "not inst"
     LDBBASEV40448 not installed Ladebug Debugger Version
     LDBDOCV40448 not installed Ladebug Debugger Version
     4.0-48 Release Notes
     OSFADVFSBINOBJECT510 not installed AdvFS Kernel Objects
     (Kernel Software Development)
     OSFATMBINOBJECT510 not installed ATM Kernel Objects (Kernel
     Software Development)
     OSFBINOBJECT510 not installee Standard Kernel Objects
     (Kernel Software Development)
     OSFHWBINOBJECT510 not installed Hardware Kernel Objects
     (Kernel Software Development)
     OSFJAVA510 not installed Java 1.1.8-7 Environment
     (General Applications)
     OSFJAVADEV122510 not installed tava 1.2.2-6 Development
     EnvironCent(Sof ware Detelopment)
     OSFJAVADEV510 Onot installed S Java 1.1.8-7 Development
     Environ ent(Software Dedelopmen )
     OSFJAVADOC122510 not insealled l Java 1.2.2-6 Online
     Documentation (Supplemental Documentation)
     OSFJAVAD C510 m not installvd Java 1.1.8-7 Online
     ocumentation (S pplemental Documentation)
     OSFPAT00000000510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000001510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000002510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000003510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000004510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000005510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000006510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000007510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000008510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000009510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000010510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     OSFPAT00000011510 not installed Patch Tools (- Required -)
     UNICEN434 not installed UniCensus for Alpha AXP
     Digital UNIX - V4.3.4
     ZZZBAXEMS155 not installed Allegiance Event
     Management and Automation. Version 155
     How can I resolve this issue? Has anyone seen this problem. I know I
     installed the patchkit because the other patches went on just fine.
     It's the patch tools subsets that are having the problem and then some
     home grown setld kits.Now I have two systems - member1 and member3
     that have this problem, member2 is fine.
     Alay Shah
     Allegiance Healthcare
     1400 Waukegan Rd.
     McGaw Park, IL 60085
     Ph: 847-578-2584
     Fax: 847-578-5586
Received on Fri Mar 23 2001 - 20:12:58 NZST

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