Summary: tcp wrapper & external program for allow/deny

From: George Gallen <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:46:03 -0500

Thanks for the responses.
I seem to have received two methods:
1. using the twist from within the hosts.{allow | deny} file
telnetd: : twist( /usr/local/timeok && /usr/sbin/telnetd || cat
/etc/bad_timing )

/usr/local/timeok should be set up to exit with zero status for the allowed

times, and with non-zero status otherwise.


2. using cron to swap in/out hosts.allow file depending on the time it runs.
Have one

 hosts.allow for day, one for evening or whatever, and have cron copy it to

or create a soft link to the appropriate hosts.allow file







-----Original Message-----
From: George Gallen []
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 3:52 PM
To: ''
Subject: tcp wrapper & external program for allow/deny

We currently have tcp wrappers running on our system, and is functioning

I didn't see anyway for this in the docs, but... can tcp_wrappers be setup
so that
a script can allow/deny a connection?

What I want to do is allow a connection from an IP, but only between certain
(I'd rather not put this in the .login script, since it would affect all
users from this IP,
and only when loggin in via telnet - (ie. LAT connection can be anytime -
it's a local

Where timeok is a script/and or PERL routine that will determine if the
login time is
ok. Is it possible for the script to set a varible or flag so that
tcp_wrapper will not
allow the connection?

/etc/hosts.allow entry

telnetd: : (/usr/local/timeok)


George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220

SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education and management
company <>
Received on Thu Mar 29 2001 - 21:47:23 NZST

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