I believed I had running V4.0A on one old system.
uname -a gives
OSF1 V4.0 386 alpha.
I just tried an installupdate but it exits with the nessage
"... for update to V4.0D you must have V4.0A/B/C"
Which Version do I have? Is there a place where these ugly
revision numbers (e.g. 386) are translated to version
numbers (e.g. A,B,...)?
| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TU, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| titze_at_ikp.tu-darmstadt.de Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321|
Received on Mon Apr 02 2001 - 20:25:46 NZST