Hi all.
I am reading the cpu's stats with /bin/getmany .... and get the following
When I run Performance monitor, CPU0 is just about 98% idle, and CPU1 is 99
User busy. So now how to I calculate to get to 99% cpu1 user time, and 1%
cpu0 user time.
I will summarize with previous post: best tool for performance monitor.
Please remember these are counters. {The grow}
pmAoCuUser0 = 52559786
pmAoCuUser1 = 94770158
pmAoCuNice0 = 558371
pmAoCuNice1 = 759730
pmAoCuSystem0 = 71904431
pmAoCuSystem1 = 37332585
pmAoCuIdle0 = 981642453
pmAoCuIdle1 = 965193633
Received on Tue Apr 03 2001 - 08:02:32 NZST