Iam using ASE (Available Server Environment) on our file Tru64 file
server. The home directories of all the users
and all the commecial SW are installed on this server. We also use NIS
in our environment. I wanted to
explicitly specify the system names for exporting the file systems from
these 2 servers. At present I donot
have no specific entry for the machines in 'exports.ase.machinename'
file.I have to add more than 35 machine
names. This I want to avoid by adding only one name.At present the entry
in the /etc/exports file is:
.INCLUDE /etc/exports.ase
Contents of /etc/exports.ase:
.INCLUDE /etc/exports.ase.machinename
Contents of /etc/exports.ase.machinename
/home -m=/var/ase/mnt/machinename/home -root=0
I can add the machinenames in the netgroup file say 'machinenames'. My
question is how can I add this name
to ASE entry?(Ex:/home -m=/var/ase/mnt/machinename/home -root=0
If possible please give an example. At present part of my netgroup
entry look like the following:
psw208 (,ritt,), (,kumar,)
lns (,kumar,), (,weiss,)
psw216 (,kumar,), (,weiss,)
Thanks in advance and with regards,
Received on Wed Apr 04 2001 - 09:59:00 NZST