[SUMMARY] trying to make my disk bootable for a restore

From: Rodney Simioni <rodney.simioni_at_citrix.com>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 12:20:04 -0400

I would like to thank the following for their quick responses and advice:
Lavelle, Bryan
Dr. Thomas.Blinn
Tyler Hall
John J. Francini
Izzy Ergas

All the above provided excellent advice however it was Izzy Ergas who caught
my mistake from my instructions and suggested his instructions for restoring
V4.0F. Below are the steps he suggested which allowed me to restore the

disklabel -z rz0
disklabel -Rr -t advfs rz0 <label file> <device name> (which was BD018122)
mkfdmn -t /dev/rz0a root_domain
mkfset root_domain root
mount -t advfs root_domain#root /mnt
vrestore -xvf dumpfile /mnt
unmounted the file system
sync (twice)
Then I booted in single user mode: boot -fl s and repeated the above
procedure for the usr_domain.

Again, thanks for the responses.


> inal Message-----
> From: Rodney Simioni
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 3:56 PM
> To: 'tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov'
> Subject: trying to make my disk bootable for a restore
> Tru64 Managers:
> I'm trying to make my disk bootable for a restore. After I issue the
> following command:
> # disklabel -rw /dev/rrz0a rz0a /mdec/rzboot.advfs /mdec/bootrz.advfs
> it results to the following message: Bootcode /mdec/bootrz.advfs too big
> (Is: 8096, Max: 7680) disklabel: /mdec/bootrz.advfs: File too large.
> Does anybody know what I've done wrong?
> Rodney
> Below are the steps:
> Boot from the CD installation cd (V4.0F)
> # disklabel -rwt advfs rz0
> # disklabel -e rz0 (modified the partition sizes)
> # mkfdmn /dev/rz0a root_domain
> ADVFS: using 37389 buffers containing 292.10 megabytes of memory
> # mkfset root_domain root
> # disklabel -rw /dev/rrz0a rz0a /mdec/rzboot.advfs /mdec/bootrz.advfs
> Bootcode /mdec/bootrz.advfs too big (Is: 8096, Max: 7680)
> disklabel: /mdec/bootrz.advfs: File too large
> #
Received on Wed Apr 04 2001 - 16:21:37 NZST

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