SUMMARY: Manipulate image of a boot-CD for dump/restore

From: Michael Gelbmann <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 16:38:22 +0200


Many thanks to Steve Butcher,, Shane Southwood,
and Dr. Thomas Blinn.

Steve gave the trick how to make a bootable CD clone. Here´s his recipy:

Mount and copy the current CD to a directory ( e.g. /BootCd )
        mount -r /dev/rz#c /mnt
        cd /mnt
        tar cvf - . | ( cd /BootCd ; tar xvf - )

Make the changes that you want to make down the /BootCd tree

Make an iso image of the tree by
        mkisofs -R -D -a -o /somewhere/bootcd.iso /BootCd

Make the iso image bootable by
        disklabel -w -t cdfs -f /somewhere/bootcd.iso
        echo "\0\c" | dd bs=1024k conv=sync >>/somewhere/bootcd.iso

That's it.

I´ve tried it and it worked, although I don´t really understand the last
step! Now I only have to adapt this procedure (disklabel) for the
different OS.

Reganrds, Mike.

Original posting follows:

Hi Folks!

Although my question is not only Tru64 specific, its more than less
platform-independent I want to ask it anyway:

For backup reason, once a week I´m dumping my local filesystems and
disklabels to a NFS-disk. In case of a fatal system crash I´m booting
from the install CD, escape to the shell and tar a little shell script
from a floppy. This script initializes the NIC, mounts the NFS-disk and
restores the files back to my machine. This procedure works quite ok,
also for LSM-disks, but:

Is there a possibility to duplicate the boot-CD with some changes on it,

i.e. my restore script included, so that it will automatically be
started when booting from it? The question is, how can one manipulate an

image of a CD? Since I´m also using the described procedure (slightly
modified) on non-Tru64 machines (where some important commands don´t
reside on the boot-CD) this topic is very important to me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Michael Gelbmann
        Betriebssysteme  UNIX
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Received on Mon Apr 09 2001 - 14:39:46 NZST

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