I rebooted my Tru64 node on Sunday and I can no longer access my advfs file
system. I get the following error:
# mount oracle#share1 /ora_shr1
ADVFS : Domain oracle not activated - inconsistency detected
oracle#share1 on /ora_shr1: Device does not contain a valid ADVFS file
Can someone give me information on how to correct this?
When I do an advscan I get this information:
# /sbin/advfs/advscan -a
Scanning devices /dev/rdisk/dsk3 /dev/rdisk/dsk1
Found domains:
Domain Id 39c65aab.00094def
Created Mon Sep 18 14:10:51 2000
Domain volumes 2
/etc/fdmns links 2
Actual partitions found:
Thanks in advance,
Dawn Urey
System Administrator
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