Upgrading from Tru64 5.0 to 5.0a

From: Mark Bowman <mb301_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 09:05:57 +0000


I am trying to upgrade my Alpha server from 5.0 to 5.0a. I did the
This is the first time I have done a upgrade, so I maybe missing a step

init 0
/sbin/installupdate -nogui /dev/disk/cdrom0c
Checking for installed supplemental hardware support...
*** START UPDATE INSTALLATION (Tue May 1 09:02:45 BST 2001) ***
    FLAGS: -nogui

Update Installation has detected the following update installable
products on your system:
        Tru64 UNIX V5.0 Operating System ( Rev 910 )
These products will be updated to the following versions:
It is recommended that you update your system firmware and perform a
complete system backup before proceeding. A log of this update
installation can be found at /var/adm/smlogs/update.log.

Do you want to continue the Update Installation? (y/n) []: y
Do you want to select optional kernel components? (y/n) [n]:
Do you want to archive obsolete files? (y/n) [n]:

*** Checking for conflicting software ***
The following software may require reinstallation after the Update

Installation is completed:
        Compaq C++ Version 6.2 for Tru64 UNIX Systems
        Netscape FastTrack V3.01 for Tru64 UNIX
        Performance Manager for Tru64 UNIX

Do you want to continue the Update Installation? (y/n) [y]:
The Update Installation has determined that patches were installed for
the following products on your system:

Tru64 UNIX V5.0 Operating System ( Rev 910 )

During the update install these patched files will be overwritten by
the versions of the files shipped with the following products:

Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Operating System ( Rev 1094 )

As a result it is possible that there may be a regression if the new
versions of the files do not contain the latest patches. It is
recommended that the latest patch kit for each of the products listed
above be installed after the update installation completes. This will
ensure that no regression occurs.

*** Determining kernel components ***
*** Checking for file type conflicts ***

The following directories on this system conflict with assigned file
types originally shipped in the operating system. This can be
caused, for example, if a symbolic link is replaced with a real
directory. These conflicts must be resolved before an update
installation can be performed on this system. The original file
status information can be found in the subset inventory files located
in the /usr/.smdb. directory. For later review, this message is also
logged in /var/adm/smlogs/update.log The update procedure will exit
and return the system to its original state.

./usr/adm must be Symbolic Link to ../var/adm

Returning system to Pre-Update state...done.
Exiting Update Installation...
Removing temporary update installation files...done.
*** END UPDATE INSTALLATION (Tue May 1 09:06:41 BST 2001) ***

At this point I rebooted the server, sizer -v states it is still on 5.0
so I did a doconfig and a reboot.

after reboot:-
sizer -v
Digital UNIX V5.0 (Rev. 910); Tue May 1 09:13:44 BST 2001



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