I have the following questions. I have two machines in a 5.1 PK2
trucluster. I have an application that uses a network alias.
I was testing the network failover capabilities from the cluster by
unplugging the network cable from one of the machines. I see that the
machines is reacting on this because the arp entries for the cluster
alias go to the other machine. I also get a new gated.conf.member.X file
for the gated the daemon.
My application is not doing a failover because the cluster alias
subsystem should be able to handle this. BUT it doesn't. I can't get any
responce from the application if it is running on the node where cable
is pulled loose.
I think this problem is caused because the machine with no cable still
tries to route the packets for its subnet through the ethernet
interface. (netstat -rn) . I suspect to see a route through the memory
channel interface. But this is not in the new gated.conf.
Does anybody has this configuration working and tested? And does anybody
have seen the same problem.
Udo de Boer
Received on Tue May 01 2001 - 22:41:53 NZST