The original message...
In the process of setting up automounting on a DS-20E running Tru64 5.1, I
have run across what I think is a malformed sym link that is apparently
managed by the automount process. When I look at the sym link with the ls
command, I would expect to see something like
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 16 May 2 16:04 space4a_at_ ->
/tmp_mnt/space4a # (this line was wrapped to fit)
But instead I see
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 16 May 2 16:02 space4a_at_
However, at some point, the problem spontaneously repaired itself: That is,
the space4a link now points to the right place and I can automount this
filesystem. Is there some AdvFS process that repairs bad link/file/directory
structures such as this that might be running automatically? How did
this happen in the first place? I will summarize.
My thanks to Rick Hummers and Tom Blinn. Tom's answer follows...
The symptom you see looks like an automount problem, sometimes
if the automounter isn't responding quickly, you'll see a directory where
later there might be none, or might be a symlink. The automounter is and
has been a thorn in many people's sides, it's single threaded, so it can
get wedged in interesting states (and when it unwedges, it finishes what
it was doing and things look fine again). There is a replacement coming
in a future version (I believe it's called "autofs") that works better.
Peyton Bland
University of Michigan, Radiology
voice: 734-647-0849
FAX: 734-764-8541
e-mail: bland_at_umich.edu
P.S. My apologies to the group for the formatting of the original message.
I included some formatting via my mail app (Eudora) for the ls command
listings hoping it would make it easier to read (admittedly not really
necessary in the shortened listings that I included in this version of the
problem description) and hoping that it wouldn't be too onerous to those
whose mail reader apps do not interpret the <paraindent> and <param>
tags that were inserted.
Received on Fri May 04 2001 - 13:10:09 NZST