thanks for the answers to
"Dr. Thomas.Blinn_at_Compaq.com" <tpb_at_doctor.zk3.dec.com>
"O'Brien, Pat" <pobrien_at_mitidata.com>
I obviously made a really stupid mistake. Pats answer
"was the new kernel copied into / and the system reboot?"
might be the clue. I could not test it by rebooting yet. But I
compared the creation dates and the patched kernel was still
in /sys/NAME/vmunix.
No excuse, but after a long day upgrading from 4.0 to 4.0B to 4.0D
I applied the patch. After 8 hours patch time - it was long after
midnight - I obviously forgot to copy the kernel, lucky that
I was through.
Many thanks for the fast replies.
Original question:
after upgrading to V4.0D(Rev. 878) and applying patch duv40das0008
I got a problem with vdump:
bash# vdump -0 -u /
DECthreads init failure, version mismatch:
kernel version 1, library version 10001 -- application must
be relinked.
%DECthreads bugcheck (version V3.16-027), terminating execution.
% Reason: vpInit: DECthreads library incompatible with OS version
% Running on OSF1 V4.0 on AlphaStation 200 4/233, 160Mb; 1 CPUs
| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TU, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| titze_at_ikp.tu-darmstadt.de Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321|
Received on Wed May 09 2001 - 14:04:58 NZST