Number of processing threads...

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 11:46:32 -0400

We are running an application called Shareplex, on GS140s
running tru64 v4.0f, connected to ESA10000 arrays, with
Oracle 8.1.6 on them.

The app. replicates the live database from one system
to the other and back again. There's a facility in the
app called "Overdrive" which copies a live DB to the
other system after other system was down for a while.
It talks about the "number of parallel processing
threads" to use, and says this number should be "equal
to the number of controlled devices that your database
environment encompasses". It then goes on to clarify:

"disk partitions are not considered devices, nor are
hard drives that do not have their own controllers. The
intent is to have one processing thread per controller
to minimize I/O contention."

If GS140 connects to array as in:

gs140 array controller -> 5 port hub -> (redundant)HSZ70 -> disks

then would you say that I should have 1 thread, because
there's one controller in the GS140, or 2 threads, because there are
2 controllers in hsz70, or (# of disks)threads because these
are SCSI disks and in some sense have onboard controllers (at
least I've heard them described that way)???

I will also query the vendor, but wanted to see what people here


Judith Reed
(315) 453-2912 x5835
Received on Wed May 09 2001 - 15:47:37 NZST

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