problems with patch

From: Mark Hardman <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 14:17:50 -0500 (EST)

I am attempting to patch a file using a *.diff file. The error I get
is "Hmm... I can't seem to find a patch in there anywhere", which would
indicate to me the version of patch on the box, patch.c,v
88/06/22 20:46:39 is unable to deal with *.diff files. Is this the case or
have I missed something basic? I am patching from the same directory as
the source file so... patch <advfs.diff. If I need a newer version of
patch, where may I obtain it? If it matters, I am patching amanda so that
it will recognize the advfs file system.

Mark Hardman, SysAdmin/MIS
Bedford Times-Mail
Received on Wed May 09 2001 - 19:09:12 NZST

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