I'm still three summaries behind and I will catch up.
First of all thanks to all who responded. I got the problem resolved
although I must admit I am still having a bad day.
I logged #C010521-2869 for advice and then I logged #C010521-3470 for
some help in following the #2869 advice. The advice was right on target
#2869 and the hand holding from #3470 hit the spot too. My brain is
dead, I needed #3470 and the guy from #2869 was on another line.
Actually I perfer to use the TRU64 UNIX managers mailing list, but I had
a moment of weakness or two, so I called them. I mean you guys usually
spam me with about 20 correct repsonses, but I was in a hurry so I shot
the problem with my scatter gun, hope you don't mind.
First let me state categorically, Tru64 UNIX 5.1 comes with Perl
installed in /usr/bin/Perl. You don't have to do anything it is already
there. However the basic Perl they give us is of no use to me without
CPAN the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. CPAN is a GNU/shareware
candy store. I use the Tk graphical tool kit to write x-windows GUI's
that are just as nice as anything you see on the CDE desktop. These
same GUI's can often be ported to the windows variant of Perl, Active
State Perl, with no changes required quite often. The best way to get
the Tk toolkit is to use CPAN.
To use CPAN in interactive mode you type in the following command:
#Perl -MCPAN -e shell
The first time you do it, it will auto configure itself. Attached
you will find my problem and its resolution.
I started the following script to show you how I resolved my problem.
# script /home/ksc/perl-load.txt
Script started on Mon May 21 16:19:58 2001
# setld -i | grep PERL
OSFPERL510 not installed perl 5.005p3 Runtime
(General Applications)
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
Can't locate CPAN.pm in _at_INC (_at_INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/site_perl/5.005 .).
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
==>> "O.K. the perl runtimes can be setld onto your system using the
==>> Which CD?
==>> "Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1 Operating System Volume 1"
# mount -r /dev/disk/d cdrom0a /mnt
# cd /mnt
# cd ALPHA
# cd BASE
# setld /usr/sbin/setld -l . OSFPERL510
^^^^^ DON'T FORGET THE " . " ^^^^^^
Checking file system space required to install specified subsets:
File system space checked OK.
1 subsets will be installed.
Loading subset 1 of 1 ...
perl 5.005p3 Runtime
Copying from . (disk)
Working....Mon May 21 16:23:13 EST 2001
1 of 1 subsets installed successfully.
Configuring "perl 5.005p3 Runtime" (OSFPERL510)
^^^^^ RUNTIMES INSTALLED ^^^^^^^^^
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
/usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/5.00503/CPAN/Config.pm initialized.
CPAN is the world-wide archive of perl resources. It consists of about
100 sites that all replicate the same contents all around the globe.
Many countries have at least one CPAN site already. The resources
found on CPAN are easily accessible with the CPAN.pm module. If you
want to use CPAN.pm, you have to configure it properly.
If you do not want to enter a dialog now, you can answer 'no' to this
question and I'll try to autoconfigure. (Note: you can revisit this
dialog anytime later by typing 'o conf init' at the cpan prompt.)
Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] no
Prototype mismatch: sub CPAN::FirstTime::prompt ($;$) vs none at
/usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/5.00503/CPAN/FirstTime.pm line 85, <STDIN> chunk
The following questions are intended to help you with the
configuration. The CPAN module needs a directory of its own to cache
important index files and maybe keep a temporary mirror of CPAN files.
This may be a site-wide directory or a personal directory.
First of all, I'd like to create this directory. Where?
CPAN build and cache directory? [/.cpan]
If you want, I can keep the source files after a build in the cpan
home directory. If you choose so then future builds will take the
files from there. If you don't want to keep them, answer 0 to the
next question.
How big should the disk cache be for keeping the build directories
with all the intermediate files?
Cache size for build directory (in MB)? [10]
By default, each time the CPAN module is started, cache scanning
is performed to keep the cache size in sync. To prevent from this,
disable the cache scanning with 'never'.
Perform cache scanning (atstart or never)? [atstart]
The CPAN module can detect when a module that which you are trying to
build depends on prerequisites. If this happens, it can build the
prerequisites for you automatically ('follow'), ask you for
confirmation ('ask'), or just ignore them ('ignore'). Please set your
policy to one of the three values.
Policy on building prerequisites (follow, ask or ignore)? [follow]
The CPAN module will need a few external programs to work
properly. Please correct me, if I guess the wrong path for a program.
Don't panic if you do not have some of them, just press ENTER for
Where is your gzip program? [/usr/bin/gzip]
Where is your tar program? [/sbin/tar]
Warning: unzip not found in PATH
Where is your unzip program? []
Where is your make program? [/sbin/make]
Warning: lynx not found in PATH
Where is your lynx program? []
Warning: ncftpget not found in PATH
Where is your ncftpget program? []
Warning: ncftp not found in PATH
Where is your ncftp program? []
Where is your ftp program? [/usr/bin/ftp]
What is your favorite pager program? [/usr/bin/more]
What is your favorite shell? [/bin/sh]
Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we
run 'make' and 'make install' in processes. If you have any parameters
(e.g. PREFIX, INSTALLPRIVLIB, UNINST or the like) you want to pass to
the calls, please specify them here.
If you don't understand this question, just press ENTER.
Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command? []
Parameters for the 'make' command? []
Parameters for the 'make install' command? []
Sometimes you may wish to leave the processes run by CPAN alone
without caring about them. As sometimes the Makefile.PL contains
question you're expected to answer, you can set a timer that will
kill a 'perl Makefile.PL' process after the specified time in seconds.
If you set this value to 0, these processes will wait forever. This is
the default and recommended setting.
Timeout for inactivity during Makefile.PL? [0]
If you're accessing the net via proxies, you can specify them in the
CPAN configuration or via environment variables. The variable in
the $CPAN::Config takes precedence.
Your ftp_proxy? []
Your http_proxy? []
Your no_proxy? []
WAIT support is available as a Plugin. You need the CPAN::WAIT module
to actually use it. But we need to know your favorite WAIT server. If
you don't know a WAIT server near you, just press ENTER.
Your favorite WAIT server?
commit: wrote /usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/5.00503/CPAN/Config.pm
Use of uninitialized value at
/usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/5.00503/Term/Cap.pm line 284.
Use of uninitialized value at
/usr/lib/perl-5.005/lib/5.00503/Term/Cap.pm line 284.
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.48)
ReadLine support available (try ``install Bundle::CPAN'')
Lockfile removed.
^^^^^ YEA MY PROBLEM IS FIXED ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# umount cd /
# umount /mnt
# ^D
script done on Mon May 21 16:24:49 2001
Thanks to all who helped me.
- Kevin
Received on Mon May 21 2001 - 22:27:58 NZST