How to preserve and restore LSM metadata for rootdg when replacing system disk

From: Scott Mutchler <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 17:25:07 -0400

Hello all,

I need to replace my existing 4.3 GB system disks with 9.1 GB disks. This is for two different 4100's running Tru64 4.0f and TruCluster 1.6, with patch kit #4 applied.

Physically, I have two disks in each cluster node that are hardware mirrored on a swxcr (Mylex) controller. I am not sure exactly which controller it is: sys_check reports it as a KZPAC-CA and DECevent reports it as a KZPSC. At the SRM prompt with the appropriate "show" command, it tells me "DAC 630".

Regardless of the exact controller model, each node has these mirrored disks (which each node sees as "re0" devices at the Unix level). re0 belongs to rootdg in LSM. Additionally, I have two other LSM disk groups that are defined as part of disk services in the cluster. My understanding of the rootdg is that it maintains metadata about these other disk groups.

My challenge is how to most efficiently and accurately replace those 4.3 gb drives with the new 9.1gb drives (9.1 is apparently the largest size the swxcr will support). Of course I want to adjust the sizes of the different disk slices to take advantage of the larger disks and have the new disks end up as the "re0" family again.

At present, the "a" partition is 200 MB. I want to grow that to something larger - perhaps 300MB. Are there any restrictions/cautions that prevent me from doing that? Partition b is presently 2gb and I want to make it 6 gb. Partition d is 1024 bytes for the the LSMsimp area, but of course it will have a different offset since a and b will both have changed. partition g can have whatever is left over.

The top level view of what I think I need to do goes like this:

locate/build latest utility disk for the swxcr
save LSM config
make backups (vdump) of filesets on the system disk
boot the swxcr config disk
"undefine" the existing mirror set
extract the old disks
install the new larger disks
define them as a mirror set
boot from os cd-rom
disklabel the new diskset
restore (vrestore) data to root and usr filesets
restore LSM metadata to partion d

So my questions are:
- is my outline complete?
- what is the best way to preserve the data on LSMsimp and then repopulate it after the new disks are installed?
- any other suggestions for anything I may have overlooked?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Scott Mutchler
Gordon Food Service Marketplace
Grand Rapids, MI
Received on Wed May 23 2001 - 21:29:40 NZST

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