Inn 2.3.2 install problem

From: <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:27:32 -0500

Has anyone gotten Inn 2.3.2 to run on a tru64 5.1 system? I have got it all
compiled, and configured, but cannot get it to start.

bash-2.02$ ls -altr inndstart
-r-sr-x--- 1 root news 190784 May 26 12:36 inndstart
bash-2.02$ ./inndstart
bash: ./inndstart: Permission denied
bash-2.02$ id
uid=201(news) gid=100(news)

Notice my user is in the group news with the uid news. Inndstart is setuid
root with execute permissions for group news. But when I try and run it, I
get a permission denied. Could something be messed up with my group file?

Am I doing something fundmentally wrong? I admit I have been at this for
way too long so I could be overlooking something really really simple. I
just figure I should be able to at least execute that program.


Received on Mon May 28 2001 - 03:29:49 NZST

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