My original question involved a problem starting up xlogin. I was not
clear about this in my original posting, but this problem happened after I
mistakenly connected my workstation's NIC to my office's 10-baseT port
instead of the 100-BaseT port. After connecting the system to the proper
port in my office and rebooting, Netscape, rlogin, etc. all worked fine,
except for xlogin. I would start xlogin, but nothing happened.
After a few email exchanges with Dr. Blinn, I discovered the solution with
his help. One of the first things I did when I encountered this problem
was to see if the daemon was running, but it was not. Dr. Blinn eventually
suggested that I explicitly stop the xlogin daemon using /sbin/init.d/stop
and then start it again. This idea did not seem worthwhile at first
because I couldn't find any daemon running, but it did solve the problem.
Thank you
Received on Wed May 30 2001 - 16:49:43 NZST