I've been trying to figure out exactly how -mtime works in find. Say I have
the following:
find /disk07/oradata/dev75/hot_backups/ \( -name '*' \) -mtime +2 -exec rm
-eR {} \;
+2 is supposed to find anything older than 2 days. Is that anything older
than 48 hours or anything older than 2 days which would be 3 days old and
older? In other words, what's the granularity of find? I've read the man
page, try testing it, and looking on assorted reference manuals and books
and can't find any more details. Can anybody shed any more light on this?
Andy Cohen
Database Systems Administrator
Cognex Corporation
1 Vision Drive
Natick, MA 01760-2059
voice: 508/650-3079
cell: 617/470-0034
fax: 508/650-3337
Received on Fri Jun 01 2001 - 21:07:44 NZST