printing labels for TL89x?

From: Davis, Alan <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 14:21:45 -0400

What's the current wisdom on the best way to print the labels for the TL89x
mini-library and manage the backups going onto tape?

For now I'll be using vdump from SAN-presented clones rather than spending
the $30K for Networker or Veritas. My current backup scripts log all the
pertinent information about all the dumps written to a single tape. I'll be
enhancing these scripts to include the bar-coded number as well.

Does anyone have examples of capturing the barcode data from a library?

I've got the bar-code printer and PC-based bar-code software. Any
suggestions for Tru64-compatible software for either direct connect for IP

Alan Davis
Received on Mon Jun 04 2001 - 18:22:42 NZST

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