Problem after replacing the DAT drive

From: Daniel Clar <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 18:06:11 +0200

Hello Managers,

On a brand new DS20e the internal DAT was not working well (the cover
didn't open!).
So the field service replaced it today and something strange happened.

The hardware was not exactly the same (not the same manufacturer) so
when the system rebooted, it created tape1 special files.

As I've only one tape drive on this system where Networker is running, I
prefer to have the default tape so tape0. I deleted all files in
/dev/tape and /dev/ntape and rebooted the system again. Once more tape1
special files were created instead of the expected tape0 ones.

My question is : do I have to remove also the directory so that the
tape0 files could be created or does the system remeber that tape0 files
were created before ?


Received on Wed Jun 06 2001 - 16:07:10 NZST

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