Thermal Printers

From: Eddie Griffiths <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 18:45:29 +1200

Probably off topic here so I appologise if it is.

We have a datamax thermal printer. We use a script for its drivers

When we were on HP-UX it worked fine. creating barcodes perfectly

Since moving onto Compaq Tru-64 it puts an ! to the start of the string..

Instead if the barcode producing ABC1234 it produces !ABC123

below is a snippet of the script. If you want the lot let me know...

nqrd $1 $2 $3 |

awk -v label_length=6 '

BEGIN {line = 1}

line == 1 {

printf "\002f251\rE\r\002L\rD11\r\n"

printf "191100501000020%s\r\n", substr($0,2); line++; next}

line == 2 {

printf "191100300850020%s\r\n", substr($0,2); line++; next}

line == 3 {

printf "191100300700020%s\r\n", substr($0,2); line++; next}

line == 4 {

printf "191100300550020%s\r\n", substr($0,2); line++; next}

line == 5 {

printf "191100300300020%s\r\n", substr($0,2); line++; next}

line == 6 {

# A empty line 6 is created by UR labels (no bar-code)

if (length($0) >= 12) {

# Print 7 char NHI number

if (substr($0,6,1) != " ")

printf "1E8202000000020A%s\r", substr($0,6,7)

# or print 6 char UR number

else if (substr($0,7,1) != " ")

printf "1E8202000000020A%s\r", substr($0,7,6)

# or print 5 char UR number

else if (substr($0,8,1) != " ")

printf "1E8202000000020A%s\r", substr($0,8,5)

else # Free-format label 9 lines long so skip 3

{getline blank; getline blank; getline blank}


printf "191100100000360v 2\r\n"

printf "Q0001\r\nE\r\n"; line = 1; next


' |

nqwr $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7


Eddie Griffiths

Manager / Developer
Database Developments Invercargill
Ph:(03) 216 1112
Cp:(025) 288 2222

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