Thanks a lot ...
Raul Sossa S. :
1. For 4.0D version we're having now the Patch kit 8, many problems have
been resolved with this patch. Install it.
2. Install The Latest Firmware on the 4100 AlphaServer.
3. What you had today is usually call a "hanging situation" and if you press
the ON/OFF button or the Half button without knowing the the most
recommendable troubleshooting is to "force a crash", you obviously will no
have log information.
5. In the future what I would suggest is to "force a crash and to get that
you can follow this:
5.1. Press the halt button.
5.2. A the >>> prompt type "crash" [enter] Then the system generates
crash information on /var/adm/crash.
5.3. Turn totally off your Alpha an give it a 20 seconds wait.
5.4. Turn off your alpha and boot. While booting, system generates
other log usefull information you can sent to Compaq Support.
After all, I think if you install Patch kit 8 and Update your Alpha
Firmware, maybe this problem will never happend again."
Selden E. Ball, Jr. :
" ... but the usual cause of a system hang which leaves no log entries is
that the system disk has gone off line for some reason. By system disk, I
mean the disk which contains the primary swap partition (so nothing can be
paged out or back in) and /var (so no log entries can be made).
As a result, only those things which are still in main memory can do
anything. The network kernel routines which respond to ping would still be
in main memory, for example."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcelo Fiuza
> Sent: Sexta-feira, 22 de Junho de 2001 15:51
> To:
> Subject: System stopped but no LOG of the failure generated.
> All,
> I had a problem today in my Alpha 4100 running Tru64 4.0 D with
> Patch Kit 3. The system became inaccessible even via console port. I was
> able to ping the system but I couldn't do a TELNET or FTP to it (SNMP
> service was not working too). I think that most of the TCP/IP services
> were not working...
> The solution for the problem was to "click down" the system. I did
> it and it worked.
> I was navigating thought the Logs and I realized that the it did not
> generate any Crash dump, UERF message or any information in the "messages"
> file.
> Does anyone know what happened ?!? Will it happen again ?!? I'll
> summarize...
> Thanks in advance. Regards
> Marcelo Fiuza
Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 21:33:20 NZST