console access

From: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:09:43 +0000 (GMT)

Dear Managers:

Please , I would want to how I can set the access to the
console on my Alphaserver , I get to set access from the
serial port and also for graphics, but these settings only
allows that tha access be from serial or from graphics, not
for both at the same time,

on the prompt from the boot environmnet I make:

>>>set console serial
(this is for set the serial access)


>>>set console graphics
(this is for set the graphics access)

Exists any way for set both?

Since my server is far from me, and when a electric break can
occur, and none people is near for press "b" key to boot, I
need to solve this problem, and I have a PC that boots
without need any key be pressed, I connect this to the serial
port of my server, and can boot remotely my alpha, but also I
need that when I am near to server to work directly on this,
but serial console not allows I see the screen.

Thank you for your replies

Ernesto Freyre

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