ftp daemons don't die...

From: Markus Varpula <varpula_at_ellos.se>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 09:29:59 +0200

Hi all!

We do some ftp from our mianframe to one of our tru64 machines every
night.. sometimes those jobs end with an abend.. due to a "cannot open
data connection". I have tracked it dowm to the PORT command in ftp..
When issued from the MVS-machine the port called for is occupied by an
inactive frpd process on the tru64-machine.. If I go in and kill off all
ftpd processes on the tru64-machine everything works fine for a couple
of days but then they are back again (the inactive ftpd processes...) I
turned debugging on on ftpd but all looks all OK in the the log file..

Any ideas on whats wrong?

Running V5.0...

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd ftpd -d

Received on Mon Jul 02 2001 - 07:31:15 NZST

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