Thanks to Edward D. Silver for the following solution:
1) stop lpd with /sbin/init.d/lpd stop--this will keep the pending print
job in the queue for printer1.
2) Each printer has a spool directory where the printing resides (usually
something like /var/spool/printer1 and /var/spool/printer2). Within that
directory are 2 control files--one is the status file and the other is the
content to print. The filenames are based on the job number in
combination with the machine name. One is the 'cf' file and the other is
the 'df' file.
3) For the job number in question, move the files to the new spool
directory (in your case printer2): 'mv ?fA[jobnum]* /var/spool/printer2'
4) Restart lpd with /sbin/init.d/lpd start
This will analyze the spool directories for the individual printers and it
will now detect a pending job for printer2. Upon detection, the job will
attempt to send to printer2 (configured in /etc/printcap, of course) and
if configured correctly, will print.
Hope this helps.
Edward D. Silver
VP Technology & Operations - Get A Room!
TEL: 561-989-9330 x211 EFAX: 561-619-7840
On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Andre Thompson wrote:
> Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 15:42:32 -0400
> From: Andre Thompson <AThompson_at_ADMIN.UWI.TT>
> To: "Unix Managers (E-mail)" <>
> Followup-To: poster
> Subject: Redirect printing
> Hi Managers
> I have two printers installed on Compaq Tru 64 Unix 5.1. I
> have a job currently printing on printer1. I want to redirect this job to
> printer2 without cancelling the job.
> How can I accomplish this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards
> Andre.
Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 20:27:18 NZST