thanks for the fast respose (as always).
So it seems the d4 = Lun 42 is a type error.
It should be d4 = d004 = Lun 4 target 0.
But on the scsi protocoll 3 you can use LUNs greater than 8 but you will need
to switch to DEC UNIX >= 5.0.
How to Calculate
Bus = 2
Target = 1
Lun = 2
Rule for the D-Number (Thanks to Bruce Hines )
>DTLL - hsz70 unit number
> D - always D nothing else
> T - target number
> LL - lun number (to someday handle lun greater than 8
that would be the Unit - D102
On the Host side:(Thanks to Manish Vashi and Lee Brewer):
D102 = (<bus number> * 8 ) + <target> = 2*8 +1 = 17
The Lun comes in form of a letter in front of the number
a = Lun 0
b = Lun 1
c = Lun 2
rz <Lun letter> <bus - target> = rzc17
This really helped. Thanks to all the others who responded.
Samier.Kesou_at_bfa-berlin.de on 25.07.2001 18:38:14
An: tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov
Kopie: (Blindkopie: Samier Kesou/Extern/11/BfA-Berlin)
Thema: Unit Numbers in a HSZ70
Im Using the HSZ70 Array Controller HSOF Version 7.3
im drooling over the unit numbers and their translation into BUS - target - Lun
on the host side.
As far as i understand
# add unit d102 r1
will present the host with a strageset r1 on target 1 and lun 2. The bus
number should then be the aproriate one (what ever bus the HSZ70 is
connected to).
But the documentation says:
# add unit d4 disk1234
will present the host with target 0 Lun 42??
how does that work? Is that a type error? I never heard of a lun 42. As i
know only 8 Luns per target are allowed.
What is the exact caculation for these Unit numbers.
thanks in advance
Received on Thu Jul 26 2001 - 14:06:07 NZST