From: selcuk karaca <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:51:07 +0300

I have finished the day.. (Thanks to Allah)

I have done it like this ;
in the SRM console ;

Pressed F2 to enter setup, go to the system utilities...
Run a utility from diskette.. name : swxcrmgr.exe

In the program go to tools,
select "make optimal" and then select the disk to make optimal

And it successfully changed state from failed to optimal...
do this for all drives..

This means, RAID card changed states of the disks from OPTIMAL to FAILED, I just get them back as OPTIMAL

THATS ALL FOLKS...get a good sleep..

By the way very thank you for your QUICK help.. (especially for unplug & plug the drive .. ;) really )
Thomas Blinn
Manish Vashi
Don rye

What you have is drive that are not spinning up. This normally occurs on drives that have been running for a long period of time with no power down occurring. What happens inside the drive itself is the grease in the ball bearing gets out of place and the motor cannot start the drive.
The fix is real tricky - it was mentioned in this list approximately 2 - 3 moths back. If you are game , Take a failed drive out of the rack, swing it with your arm in a large circle (this helps move the grease around) and place the drive back into the shelf - there is no grantee this works though it might..
Best of luck..
       I think you need to run the swxcrmgr utility which will be on a floppy , I dont remember but you need to change the status from failed to online with the utility...

Manish Vashi


It is a "feature" of the KZPSC (swxcr) that if you lose power to
a drive, or the whole shelf, it marks the drives in its own ROM
memory as "failed". There is some kind of magic in the swxcrmon
to tell it to go re-check the drives, but to NOT re-initialize
everything. You need to CAREFULLY read the documentation for
the swxcrmon program and figure out the recovery method. It's
VERY important to do this right, or you will lose all the data
as well as the RAID configuration. I have NEVER had to do this
myself, so I can't give you step-by-step directions.


Received on Tue Jul 31 2001 - 16:50:07 NZST

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