Summary : Error Message Ethernet Adapter in a DecStation 5000/133

From: B. Boersch-Pulm <Birgitt.Boersch-Pulm_at_Uni-Koeln.DE>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 15:53:23 +0200

Again thanks to the perfect "database" of the members of this list.

The problem is solved, the machine is working.

The hint from the list told me to use the Ethernet loopback to check
whether the error is in the interface or somewhere else in the net.

(I'm so sorry, but unfortunately I've deleted the helpful mails, so I'm
not able to thank to whom who helped me).

The test now with the Ethernet loopback worked fine without any errors.
But there were many things, which could be faulty within my old BNC Net
(which only lived for the old machine). So I prefer to take a transeiver
(which I got from a friendly collegue) to connect directly to my twisted
pair net and all things work fine.

Again thanks to all who helped

Birgitt Boersch-Pulm

By the way :

Do you know about a similar list for NT Admins ?

My original message :


I know it's not exactly the right place for this question, but here are so
many guru's so... I apologize and ask :

The problem occurs on an old DecStation 5000/133 under ULTRIX. But it
seems to be a hardware problem, so I think the system isn't important.

The system became slowlier and slowlier till it hung up.

So I invoke the hardware test utility and it says :

??FL:3/ni/ext-lb(3:(xmt[00000006,00000040] cable)) [KN02-BA]

This message says that's something wrong with the ethernet interface.
I checked all cables and I see activity on the network slot.

My question :

Does this message say that's something wrong within the ethernet interface
in the machine or is it possible, that there are problems with the
internet connectivity outside the machine ? (This machine is the only one
on this slot of our LAN)

By the way : For our general activities this old machine isn't very
important, but for historical or "nostalgic" reasons it would be very nice
if it would work again. It had worked for the last 4 years without any
problems and (nearly) without any maintenance.

Waiting for your good advice

Birgitt Boersch-Pulm
Received on Tue Aug 07 2001 - 13:54:12 NZST

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