Thanks to
Pat O'Brien,
Chris Ruhnke
Andreas Maagdenberg
Alex Harkema
Received Several answers, of which two people had experience in removing
entire patchkits. Best solution seems to be either of those two :
- restore backup you should have made before installing new patchkit
- remove all patches (with dupatch) and reinstall patchkit you want.
Gert-Jan Hilbrands
> Hi Managers,
> We have some 4.0F systems with Patchkits 1 and 5 installed. We now would
> like to remove all patches that were installed with PK5, so we would like
> a
> system (temporarily) with 4.0-F and PK1.
> If I understand correctly from earlier postings in the mailinglist and in
> the dupatch documentation you cannot remove all patches from a certain
> patchkit. To get back to an earlier patchkit you have to options:
> 1. remove all patches and re-install patchkit you want (in our case PK1)
> 2. remove all patches by selecting all the Patches ID numbers from the
> dupatch patch deletion menu. (This seems like quite a lot of work).
> Does any of you has a suggestion on what option to use based on
> experiences
> ....?
Gert-Jan Hilbrands
Support Unix Datacenter
Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 12:56:05 NZST