To All,
Is there a way to change the tty name that is shown when you perform a ps
-ef command. The output currently looks:
amelia 26623 17948 0.0 10:42:26 ttyp3 0:00:0.8 -tcsh (tcsh)
I would like to change the ttyp3 to a user defined variable asked when the
user logs into the system (see below).
amelia 26623 17948 0.0 10:42:26 bobp 0:00:0.8 -tcsh (tcsh)
The reason is that it is a development machine with only two actual
usernames, but there may be many people accessing the system with that same
username. This would help facilitate which user is running which program.
Is this possible on V5.1 or any other version. If the user opens another
window, the system would just append a number after the variable. This is
something that was possible in VMS. The variable in VMS that was changed
was the 'process name' and could be set for each instance the person would
telnet in for. Just wondering.
Bob Prizzi
NASA Glenn Research Center
Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 18:40:08 NZST