We have performance issues with the following config:
1 DS20 / 1Gb RAM
Tru64 5.1 / Apache 1.3.19 / PHP 4.0.4pl1 / Informix client 9.30.FC1
SQL requests are sent to an Informix server running on an E450 / Solaris 7
We detect very poor performance while browsing the website hosted on the
DS20 with, of course, a lot of big SQL requests.
Any idea where to investigate?
PS: SQL requests have been post-processed by a DBA :)
Xavier Mertens &Wanadoo Belgium - A subsidiary of France Telecom
Head of NOC
XM1-6BONE "Contrary to popular belief, Unix is userfriendly. It just
XM3-RIPE happens to be selective about who it makes friends with"
Received on Mon Aug 20 2001 - 13:50:54 NZST