Dear Managers
Please any ideas about the following JVM error on tru64
5.1. , java 131 beta1 :
If i try this:
>java -classic BapiInfo
-> no Problems
If i try this:
>java BapiInfo
could not allocate code space: No such file or directory, file /sys/alpha/md.c (***),
line 128
(***) I've found this in folowing directorie: /usr/sys/arch/alpha/md.c
The Difference between the to java-call statements is that second use the default fast-virtual machine.
Have i a memory problem ? (DS10, Oracle IAS 817, Rel 3 ,256 MB-Memory)
Any ideas how can i solve this ?
Is there another mailgroup(s) for such problems ? -> let us know
Thanks for all feedbacks.
Olaf Kasper
co Kantonsspital Basel Universitätskliniken
tel gesch. +41 61 265 3866
Received on Mon Aug 20 2001 - 15:01:39 NZST