I received an answer pretty quick last night even though it was after
hours here in the midwest. Thanks I was just waiting for more answers
even though I got what I needed in the 1st one. Thanks stffler durden
Here is the question I asked
I need to find out if my network card in the AS2000 4/.233 will support
Twisted pair cable. I have a connector for twisted pair.
The NIC is a DE435-AA and has a twisted pair connector, AUI connector
and a BNC cable. When I shut down the server, then take the AUI cable
off the NIC (Network Interface Card) and plug the twisted pair cable
into it will the server recognize the network.
How fast is this NIC, will it support 100 Mbits ???
stiffler durden wrote:
> a DE435 does not support 100mbs, no card from dec with
> bnc connectors does.
> the card will not automatically notice the change if
> you just change cables.
> from the firmware (ie, >>> prompt after a shutdown -h
> now), do a show ew* to see all of the nework card
> settings, there should be something like ewa0_mode
> you sheuld then type " set ewa0_mode twisted-pair"
> alternatively, you can use the lan_config command from
> the os, it has a fairly good man page.
> as far as the rs6000 goes, i'd have to know the
> machine type and network card type, but "smitty
> devices" then navigating through some of the menus
> will allow you to change the attributes of the network
> adapters. Note that you will have to check the box
> "make changes to database only" if the adapter is
> active, then reboot for the changes to take effect.
These all said the same thing almost exatly.
Other people answered were Alan_at_compaq
Jay Leafey
Mahesa Chandra
Alan Davis -- sent the manual
Peter Reynolds
Rob McCausey
Now for the add on question. I was only hoping that others might be
wearing 2 hats also
Just for curiosity sake does anyone know the same thing about a RISC6000
IBM server??
stiffler durden wrote:
> as far as the rs6000 goes, i'd have to know the
> machine type and network card type, but "smitty
> devices" then navigating through some of the menus
> will allow you to change the attributes of the network
> adapters. Note that you will have to check the box
> "make changes to database only" if the adapter is
> active, then reboot for the changes to take effect.
Ron Bramblett
Systems Admin
Fuller Brush Company
Received on Thu Sep 20 2001 - 15:28:40 NZST