SUMMARY: C2 Security Script

From: Mehall, Michael R. <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 16:03:27 -0400


        Thanks to the following for their prompt and informative answers:

Ann Majeske
Matt Moore
Derk Tegeler
James Sainsbury
Alan Davis
John Venier
Uwe Richter

        The end solution to my problem (see original message below) was to,
as many of you directed me to do, build an Expect program to interact with
the /usr/bin/passwd command. I tried several very good suggestions
involving changing the u_oldcrypt and u_newcrypt values to no avail. I
ended up writing an Expect program and the only trouble that I had was
getting the program to handle both C2 and non-C2 servers. The Expect
program is now functioning and I would be glad to share it on request. Once
again, thanks to everyone for the incredibly fast responses!

Mike Mehall
SAP Basis Team


        I have a question about changing a password while running C2
security. I am writing a ksh script to change a password on multiple (24)
Alpha servers without using the passwd command or using the dxaccounts GUI.
Has anyone written a script to do this? The problem that I am having is
that when I "sed-in" the new encrypted password (edauth -g username | sed
<change u_pwd to use the new passwd> |sed <insert the new seconds into
u_succhg>), the password does not work. I just get "sorry" when using su or
"login incorrect" when directly logging in. Do I need to update any other
fields other than u_pwd and u_succhg? Should I include a copy of the
script? By the way, I am generating the encrypted password with a call to
PERL crypt. Do I maybe have a problem with using PERL crypt since it does
not call crypt16? Thank you in advance for your reply!
Received on Tue Sep 25 2001 - 20:04:10 NZST

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