Problem with large mails and qpopper

From: Andreas Micklich <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:19:00 +0200

Hi all,

I'm using qpopper 4.0 with sendmail 8.8.8 under TrueUnix64 4.0F and I have
problems with large mails ( > 1 MB).
The problem is follows:
Sendmail is delivering such a large mail in the mailbox of the user
(/var/spool/mail). Before sendmail is finishing,
qpopper begins to read out the mailbox, so that the user gets only the first
part of the mail.
After qpopper ends with the deleting of that mail, sendmail writes the rest
of the mail in the mailbox.
Now the mailbox contains text without a mail header and after the user wants
download mail again,
qpopper ends with the error "No From Lines"
(-ERR [SYS/PERM] Unable to process From lines (envelopes), change
recognition modes or check for corrupted mail drop.)

What can I do? Qpopper runs in the server mode and I thought, than I do not
have such a problem. But it is not so.

Can anyone help me?

Best regards

Andreas Micklich
Federal Research Centre for
Virus Diseases of Animals
Institute of Epidemiology
Seestrasse 55
D-16869 Wusterhausen

Tel: + 49 33979/80-180
Fax: + 49 33979/80-200
Received on Fri Sep 28 2001 - 08:18:51 NZST

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