Thanks to the folks who quickly responded. My question was
about how my primary swap wasn't being used, and secondary
swap got placed in /etc/sysconfigtab, during 4.0f -> 5.0a upgrade.
Jan Mark Holzer gave a thorough explanation which I'll quote here:
the message you are seeing comes from swapon(8) .
swapon will issue this message on V5.0 (and only
on V5.0, it has been removed in 5.0A and 5.1) if
it detects a swap partition in /etc/fstab.
As of V5 you should specify all of your swap
partitions in /etc/sysconfigtab .
If you are upgrading from V4 to V5 the upgrade
process will 'move' all of your swap partitions
from /etc/fstab to /etc/sysconfigtab.
If you have multiple swap partitions you just
specify a comma seperated list for them
swapdevice = /dev/disk/dsk0b, /dev/disk/dsk1b
You can cont rol the swap allocation algorithm by
modifying the variable vm_swap_eager in /etc/sysconfigtab.
The default algorithm is 'eager' swapping and you can
change it to 'lazy' swapping by setting the value to
vm_swap_eager = 0
Received on Tue Oct 02 2001 - 13:56:24 NZST