SUMMARY: Multi-pathing a ES40 to HSZ80

From: O'Brien, Pat <>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2001 14:46:12 -0400

The big surprise to making multipath work with a pair of hsz80's, is
configure the hsz80's in multibus failover, and connect all 4 ports to a
different host bus adapter, or use a scsi hub. The sad part is this fills
all the PCI slots or you must work with a scsi hub. This system is just
being deployed, and were desired to leave some growth room. I had several
suggestions for hsg's, but I had hsz's in my hand, and no more money. For
now we will run without multipathing, unless performance becomes the key to
new found money.

-----Original Message-----
From: O'Brien, Pat
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 3:29 PM
To: ''
Subject: Multi-pathing a ES40 to HSZ80

I have heard about the multi-pathing function in v5.X. I have a ES40
running 5.1 pk3 and two pair of HSZ80 raid controllers which I would like to
configure this multiple path to the disks. Does anyone have any insight in
how to cable the host bus adapters to the raid controllers. Secondaly, will
the controllers need to be in multibus failover mode or will transparent

Received on Tue Oct 09 2001 - 18:47:15 NZDT

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