Yesterday I tried installing patch kit 3 on a two-node cluster running
Tru64 5.1.
Everything went fine until, near the end, when you run "clu_upgrade
switch". The output from that was:
This is the cluster upgrade program.
You have indicated that you want to perform the 'switch' stage of the
Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]:
Initiating version switch on cluster members
.Marking stage 'switch' as 'started'.
kill: 531895: no such process
I didn't know if the kill error was normal or not, so I rebooted both
members as instructed. They both _seem_ to be running on the right
kernel now. Their sysconfigtabs look okay as best I can tell. But the
switch stage has not been marked completed and 'clu_upgrade clean'
refuses to run.
Anyone have any ideas? After perusing clu_upgrade (which is, to me, a
very obtuse KSH script) it looks like the kill error is caused by a call
to "clu_release_lock." I can't figure out why and I actually haven't
been able to figure out what the script is doing between the
clu_get_lock and clu_release_lock.
Rick Beebe (203) 785-6416
Manager, Systems & Network Engineering FAX: (203) 785-3481
ITS-Med Production Services
Yale University School of Medicine
Suite 214, 100 Church Street South, New Haven, CT 06519
Received on Wed Oct 10 2001 - 15:19:17 NZDT