Just an update on this one...
Thanks to all those that replied, most suggested that there may be a problem
with the /usr/sys/HOSTNAME directory. I tried all the suggestions given but
none fixed the problem. I now believe that the copy of V5.1A I was using may
have a problem. Some of the files in /usr/sys/BINARY seemed corrupted...
I will try the update with another CD and update the list then.
Kevin Jones
-----Original Message-----
I performed an upgrade from V5.1 Patch Kit 3 to V5.1A.
During the course of the upgrade procedure I had to deinstall several
subsets to make space available to allow the upgrade to continue. Everything
seemed to work fine until the system came to build a kernel. It failed with
the error message:
make: Don't know how to make kern/lockinfo.c. Stop.
Any clues anyone ? Could it be that one of the deinstalled subsets is
required, I received no warning messages during the deinstall about
The system is an Alphaserver 400 4/233 - pretty prehistoric I'm afraid.
Current I'm back at V5.1 having restored back from tape - I learned well -
first stage of upgrade, perform full backup.
Kevin Jones
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