SUMMARY: Cluster rolling upgrades - PK3 on half a cluster...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 15:03:53 +0100 (BST)

Dear All,

Thanks to Paul Lambert, Blake Roberts and Thomas Blinn for their
helpful suggestions.

Thomas, in particular, had some insightful comments on the clu_upgrade
scripts. However, after much digging around in there, I called Compaq
support, and their advice echoed his:

The only safe way to sort out the mess I have created is to:

Boot up the lead-member of the cluster in standalone mode (i.e. the
system from which the cluster was created). Patch it. Re-create the
cluster, upon which all the members will be running the patched kernel,
and the confused record of what I did to the original cluster will be
safely obliterated.

I'll schedule some more downtime, and get out the documentation...

Thanks again,


Dr. Andrew Raine, Head of IT, MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, 
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2XY, UK
phone: +44 (0)1223 252830   fax: +44 (0)1223 252835
web: email:
Original Q:
> Dear Managers,
> With the help of this list, I solved my NFS problem by applying PK3 to
> one of my machines.  However, now I need to install some more software,
> and I realise that I've got myself in a bit of a hole.  I'm hoping that
> someone can help me out!
> Systems:
> DS20 + ES40, TU 5.1 TC 5.1
> History:
> the two machines were clustered at the time we bought the ES40, but the
> DS20 had to be booted back into 4.X to support some people who were in
> the middle of some important work.  The ES40 was left in a "cluster" of
> one, NFS-serving to some workstations (TU, IRIX and Linux).  Problems
> with NFS on the ES40 were resolved by applying PK3.
> Because the ES40 was still running TC5.1, I had to do this via the
> rolling upgrade route.  However, as I knew I couldn't complete the roll
> on the DS20 at the time, I stopped after the "install stage" on the
> ES40 (which was the "lead member" for the upgrade), and ran clu_upgrade
> postinstall on it.
> Now, with the DS20 finally back in the cluster I need to finish the
> rolling upgrade and apply PK3 to the DS20.  However, the DS20 never
> knew that the cluster was being upgraded, so it thinks that I need to
> start at the clu_upgrade check setup <id> stage, while the ES40 thinks
> that it is at the "roll" stage.
> Is there any (easy!) way I can convince the two machines to agree on
> the stages they think they are at?  Do I need to shutdown the DS20,
> uninstall PK3 on the ES40, boot the DS20 and start the rolling patch on
> both machines again?
> Thanks for any light you can shed on my dilemma!
> Regards,
> Andrew
Received on Mon Oct 15 2001 - 13:53:55 NZDT

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