SUMMARY: Advfsd log size

From: Gilbert, Ashley <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 14:11:04 -0400

Thanks to Chris Ruhnke and Matt Morris for such quick responses. I deleted
the advfsd log file and created a weight loss plan for the file when she
starts eating too much disk space, cron.

A couple of responses are listed below:

Nuke it!

There should be no problems.

ByTheWay, unless you really need it -- like for monitor purposes -- you may
be better off not running advfsd.
It is not required to support AdvFS domains. You may kill the process and
to keep it from restarting next time you boot you can rename the script
/sbin/init.d/advfsd to something like /sbin/init.d/advfsd_disable.


Try a cron job to a script that checks the size and deletes it if it gets
too big.

Received on Mon Oct 15 2001 - 18:12:08 NZDT

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