Suggestions on disk layout for Oracle.

From: Octave Orgeron <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 05:53:23 -0700 (PDT)

Hi everyone,

I'm setting up an oracle server and I have an
interesting question. First off, I don't know much
about oracle to begin with, but here we go. I have 14
18gig disks to use. Two of which will be hotswap
disks. Now I was thinking of layout the remaining
disks with LSM, and having a Raid0+1 or Raid1+0. The
dba thinks that the toplevel directories that contain
the database files (/u02, /u03, /u04), should be
separated for performance.

Now my question is, should I have one volume that
spans the 6 disks and have them mirrored against the
other 6 disks? Or should I have 3 volumes each with 2
disks per plex? I would imagine that 2 disks would not
be as fast I/O wise as spreading it out over 6 disks.
But I'm looking for some advice on this since I'm not
familiar with how oracle affects i/o.

As a side question, I'm out of disk space to add a log
plex disk for these oracle volume(s). So I was
thinking of having the log plex on the first or last
disk on each oracle plex that I end up creating. I
wanted to know if anyone has experience layering these
on? I was thinking of making the volume sized so that
the log plex could fit on the first or last disk in
the plex, of course that means wasted space on all of
the disks that don't have the log plex. Does anyone
have good formula to figure out how much space I
should reserve for the log plex? I do things from
volmake, so I'm not a bit fan of the top-down

Thanks in advance!

* Octave J. Orgeron * Specializing in : *
* Unix Systems Administrator * Solaris/Tru64/Linux *
* The Hibbert Group * Certified Solaris *
* * Systems Administrator *

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