I got two replies on this, one from Dr. Tom Blinn and the other from
Corinne Haesaerts of Compaq Belgium.
According to Corinne:
there will be several extra releases, the next one will probably be called
5.2, but don't hold me to it.
Tom Blinn reports that there is a new release planned for no later than
mid 2002 with EV7 processor support, but it is not yet clear whether this
will be called V5.1B or V5.2. This apparently has some bearing upon
whether ISVs will support or will not support the release without
retesting. There will probably be a couple of more releases to support
future hardware platforms, but after that, it is dependent upon
variables which nobody can predict (e.g. if the HP acquisition of Compaq
happens and any consequences of that).
Anyway, that part is fairly obvious. The question of how many future
releases of Tru64 Unix there will be is really a question of whether
this OS will survive HP-UX or if either of them will survive Linux.
Tom also says that the root partition should be at least 256MB, which is
actually what I now have.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter.Stern_at_weizmann.ac.il [mailto:Peter.Stern_at_weizmann.ac.il]
> Sent: Friday, 19 October, 2001 12:33
> To: tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov
> Subject: root partition in 5.1
> Could somebody please tell me what the recommended disk partition (a)
> size is for the root partition under Tru64 v5.1a?
> Are there any more versions of the OS in the future road map or will
> there simply be some more fixes to 5.1 (e.g. 5.1b,c,d,...)?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> Peter Stern
> Chemical Physics Department
> Weizmann Institute of Science
> 76100 Rehovot, ISRAEL
> email: Peter.Stern_at_weizmann.ac.il
> phone: 972-8-9342096
> fax: 972-8-9344123
Received on Sun Oct 21 2001 - 16:30:22 NZDT