Dear Managers,
I know this has come up recently, but my question is a little different. Would anyone have a binary copy of CAP 6.0 with a minimum patch level of 198 that they might wish to share with me ?
I have been beating my head against a brick wall for two days now, trying to get it working on Tru64 5.1 patch 3. The best I can manage, is a stable version _without_ C2.
For those that are interested, or may be able to suggest a fix for this, here is the output of a dbx on the core file:
dbx /usr/local/cap/bin/aufs ./core162185
dbx version 5.1
Type 'help' for help.
Core file created by program "aufs"
signal Segmentation fault at >*[insque, 0x1200539e0] ldq t0, 0(a1)
(dbx) where
> 0 insque(0x3ff800cff24, 0x60, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x10, 0x3ff80929a50) [0x1200539e0]
1 (unknown)() [0x3ff80929a74]
2 auth_cache_enter(0x0, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x200000001, 0x8, 0x3ffc02a8540) [0x3ff8092a62c]
3 (unknown)() [0x3ff8093a2ec]
4 auth_db_findent(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) [0x3ff8093a52c]
5 auth_lfile_findent(0x3ff80938750, 0x10, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x11fffb3d0, 0x3ffc02a90e8) [0x3ff80939734]
6 auth_lcl_findent(0x11fffbbf6, 0x11fffb3d0, 0x3ffc02a90e8, 0x10, 0x3ff8093817c) [0x3ff8093874c]
7 auth_svc_findent(0x1400014c0, 0x14001ebb0, 0x3ffc00a54e0, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x11fffbbf6) [0x3ff80938178]
8 afindent(0x11fffbbf6, 0x3ff00000000, 0x3ff80948910, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x11fffb8a0) [0x3ff8092ef34]
9 getespwnam(0x11fffb8a0, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x3ff80948988, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x140044b00) [0x3ff8094890c]
10 getprpwnam(0x140044b00, 0x1400015f0, 0x120019d20, 0x11fffbbf6, 0x11fffb8a0) [0x3ff80948984]
11 OSLogin(0x140020f70, 0x1400060f8, 0x11fffb9f0, 0x13, 0x2a) [0x120019d1c]
12 FPLogin(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) [0x120022d68]
13 SrvrDispatch(0x3ff800d3874, 0x11fffbe60, 0x1200120d0, 0xe000, 0x0) [0x120021bbc]
14 inferior_handler(0x3ff800d3824, 0x11fffbf50, 0x120011d80, 0x0, 0x8c001) [0x120012118]
15 main(0x140032200, 0x140032c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) [0x120011dac]
>From what is shown here, I am assuming something is wrong, internally with ?
Any help would be wonderful,
Adrian Yarrow
UNIX Systems Manager
Information Technology Div.
Central Queensland University
ph: +61 7 49309996
fx: +61 7 49309254
Received on Tue Oct 23 2001 - 06:51:12 NZDT