Timezone: Conclusion to time change this weekend

From: <Lee_Brewer_at_discovery.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:04:46 -0400


I received several answers of which I'll include Dr. Blinn's

The internal clock (the one inside the kernel that really keeps time)
is kept in UTC, what used to be called "Greenwich Mean Time", which
doesn't change with daylight savings time or the time zone.

The *DISPLAY* of the time will change. When it's approaching 2AM for
the first time, if you query the time, the last time you are likely
to see displayed would be 1:59:59 EDT, then the next time that you
would see displayed would be 1:00:00 EST, then the time will advance
to 1:59:59 EST and continue on to 2:00:00 EST. Internally, the clock
just continues to advance about a millisecond at a time with each tick
of the hardware clock.

Time never moves back and time never slows down. Time just happens.

The NAMES humans apply to time change. So the display of things like
the "date" command (or the library routines that take the internal
representation of time and convert it to a string for display) change
the appearance of the time.


My problems lies in SAP... The basis team has set our boxes to use EDT.
 with that in mind they would like to shut the boxes down this weekend so that
there is no
effect to batch processing. This seems silly to do... I would expect that SAP
would be aware of
the timezone we have set...and make a change itself.... Time to switch em to

Lee Brewer
Received on Tue Oct 23 2001 - 19:00:44 NZDT

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