pop3 and C2

From: Tru64 User <tru64user_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 06:30:27 -0800 (PST)

Hi Guys,
Might be simple to many, but hey....
I downloaded qualcomm qpopper4.0.3 as suggested in
many previous posts to overcome c2 issues. The post
below suggests adding -DAUTH to the Makefile. Where
exactly in Makefile is this to go?
I tried the default build, and users accessing email
thru netscape cannot pull out their email.
Using inetd.conf, not standalone deamon, on 4.0g

*********From Archives*******************
The overwelming response was to try qualcomm's qpopper
server from www.qualcomm.com, which i did. Its worked
had to enter -DAUTH in the Makefile. Its also free.
This was the easiest way to go for me.
Really experience counts in Unix Administration!!!
This guy encountered this problem in 1998!!!!

**********MY MAKEFILE DEFAULT**************
SHELL = /bin/sh
CC = gcc
MAKEFILE = Makefile
YACC = bison -y
LEX = flex
INSTALL = /bin/installbsd -c

top_srcdir = .
srcdir = .
builddir = ${top_srcdir}/build
prefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
installdir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
mandir = ${prefix}/man

popper_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/popper
mmangle_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/mmangle
common_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/common
password_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/password

base_dir = .
popper_dir = ${base_dir}/popper
mmangle_dir = ${base_dir}/mmangle
common_dir = ${base_dir}/common
password_dir = ${base_dir}/password

top_srcdir = .
srcdir = .
builddir = ${top_srcdir}/build
prefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
installdir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
mandir = ${prefix}/man

popper_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/popper
mmangle_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/mmangle
common_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/common
password_srcdir = ${top_srcdir}/password

base_dir = .
popper_dir = ${base_dir}/popper
mmangle_dir = ${base_dir}/mmangle
common_dir = ${base_dir}/common
password_dir = ${base_dir}/password


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Received on Wed Nov 07 2001 - 14:31:10 NZDT

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