dhcp config

From: Trevor Osatchuk <Trevor.Osatchuk_at_pscl.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 14:57:53 -0700

I am trying to set up dhcp, join, on a Tru64 5.1 system. If I do a join -V
I get JOIN Server Release 4.1.0b fro Compaq Tru64 UNIX. I know that I
should upgrade, and I will after I get it working. I am manually editing
the config files as I find the gui quite confounding. Right now when I boot
a computer using dhcp it gets an IP address, the first in the range that I
have set up. But it does not get the nameserver or gateway parameters. Is
this a client side issue? I don't think so. Here are the relevant files:



I have name service set to dns in the server.pcy as the server
is both the dns and dhcp.(I actually haven't changed sever.pcy, I just left
the defaults) So, why don't my dhcp clients get the dns and gateway


Trevor Osatchuk
Process Solutions Canada Ltd.
Support and Integration Analyst
(780) 452-2227 Ext. 286

Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.
          - J. Robert Oppenheimer, speaking of Albert Einstein
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